Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm a crater??!?!

So i was just randomly typing my name in the internet right.
And i just typed "what is a stefan" just to see if i can find my blog on the internet.
And here's what i found.......Sheesh.......i dunno how i feel about this....

Stefan (crater)
"Stefan is a lunar crater on the far side of the Moon, just beyond the northwestern limb. Attached to the western rim is the slightly smaller Wegener crater, and located close to the eastern rim is Rynin crater."
Read more here...

Stefan (Crater)

Great.....knowing that somewhere out there, me and a crater have a special connection. Hope to meet you one day Stefan.

Crater Stefan
Latitude: 46.0 degrees
Longitude: 108.3 degrees
Size: 125 kilometers

Well, i also found out why.

Craters on the moon are named after famous mathematicians

Josef Stefan 1835 - 1893

Josef Stefan 1835 - 1893
Austrian mathematician

"..He showed empirically, in 1879, that total radiation from a blackbody is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.."

Ok. Whatever.
Nice to know. I think.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

So, i went to cell group.

So i went to cell group yesterday, and here's one of the deep topics we talked about.....

US bathrooms versus Singapore bathrooms.

Ok, this is probably one of the most beyond random posts ever.
So whats with the bathroom cubicles in the US?
Why do they all have small, nay, BIG gaps on the sides of the doors?
Not that i would do it, ugh, but you can actually look into the gaps and say hi to
whoever is occupying the bathroom.
Here's a typical cubicle in Singapore. Doors sealed tight, totaly privacy.

Here's a typical one here in the US

Look at the huge gap!

Anyway, check out these hilarious bathrooms.

I would do that.

Might be weird doing number 2.

Pretty innovative,but still in the weird section.
Car Doors

OMG, Nooo! UGH

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Lincoln Brewster

Reading his bio was one of the most inspiring stories i've ever read about musicians for God.
An amazing guitarist, songwriter, singer, he loves God more than anything.
I checked him out first cos of the song "Let The Praises Ring". I've played drums for that before.It rocked.

"He's a gifted musician, but his heart for God shows far above his musicianship"

God help me remember that.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Old Friends

Talking to Nancy brings me back to reality.
Its really vital that you have these long time old friends around who know you so darn well that
they naturally just give you the best advice, according to who you are.
We've both had similar past experiences and that 2 hour dinner was just what the doctor prescribed - an awesome (and somewhat excessively extravagant) dinner with an old friend. (If you're reading this nan, i'm not saying you're old)

Dang i need so much help with this blog thing. All these codes! They are driving me nuts.
Nuts for Nuts.

Traffic Jams in a Mall

So in a typical Singapore mall, there are 3 types of people.

The strollers - These are those who walk at 2metres per minute. They look at EVERY SINGLE SHOP DISPLAY. Usually the families, couples, and individuals who aimlessly walk around talking to their partners over the phone "You hang up first, no you first, ok, 1,2,3, bye! Hey! You didnt hang up! Tee hee hee!" (Oh brother.) They seem to be oblivious to the intense traffic situation in these malls, and take up half the walking area strolling, licking that ice cream or slurping their starbucks. They seemed to live in their own world, a world where there's no one at all, and thus they often stop right there and then to tie their shoes, or sometimes for no logical reason. The strollers irritate the heck out of the speeders.

The speeders - Excellent pilots.They seem to have an inbuilt radar that plots out their course, and they hardly fail. Just like the millienium falcon in Star Wars, they even seem to negotiate close to DEATH near misses in between centimetres of a gap between humans. These people know where they want to get to, and want to get there quick. Nothing can stop them, or so they think. Speeders, like hawks, can spot a slight gap in a sudden clump of human traffic and instinctly, their navigational course plotting system immediately calculates distance, speed, air resistance, friction of thy own shoes, and takes immediate action. Watching one of them dart through traffic can be equally as exciting as watching a car chase sequence in a movie. Only one thing can stop these stuntmen (and women), the groupies.

The groupies - This species of humans are the most bizzarre. They just simply....stand right there. They stand in the midst of a human traffic jam, and simply.....discuss. These people have extremely poor situation awareness, or perhaps just bad eyesight. They have natural tendencies to just stop dead in their tracks whenever they have a problem. "Eh, Where's Jane? Lets just stand right here and wait for her" "Where are we going to eat? Let's just stand here and discuss first" "Wait, where's my wallet? I want to stand here and recollect my memory for the whole day, let me meditate first. Hummmm.....ting."

I would love to expound more on this, but i have 1 hour to get ready to head out. I'll talk more later.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

So this is waay better. Kudos Blogspot!

Yea baby!
This is waay better than my previous blogs. (Will i get slammed for commenting on other blog sites? - Someone Tag me)

Its Saturday here in Singapore and i've pretty much spent the whole day....doing this.
What the heck, a few years ago, i was one of those who thought that people who blogged had no life nor friends.
For me, i started blogging cos someone told me they had NO clue what i was doing in the US or Singapore. I i felt that repeating myself by emailing how i've been doing to 15 emails a day can be a little ....Froshipating. (Its not a word.....yet)

By the way, i LOVE making up new words. Feel free to give me more suggestions. Maybe i'll write a whole new dictionary of NEW words.

Its hot. Sheesh, like i don't expected it. I've been in Singapore for the longest time.
I swear, just like some planets have their own moon, Singapore has its own SUN. Frying us 24/7. Singapore - Oven Country.

Hey, i say the next Nobel Prize would go to the next person who could bring snow to Singapore.
You know what we need? A HUGE ice block shaving machine, just like those ice-kachang ones, that shoots ice into our atmosphere. Please someone hear my plea.