I didn't buy the car and i still can't sleep...
319am. Thats the time i start to write this. My mind keeps me awake. Just like how a baby is pretty much like a ticking time bomb in the house, once it wakes up, u pretty much have to wake up altogether now, and carry it around and then u find yourself awake already. Therefore ....My mind is like a baby?? ANYWAY... At first i was sleeping very well, then my mind literally woke me up (darn u Mr mind). I would start thinking of things, hopping from topic to topic (I wonder what i need for my new room,hey i need a lot of shelves hey we need a washer i wish i had a longboard Is Israel still bombing When should i buy my books I am glad i didnt buy the car I wonder if the engine on the plane DID blow up would i die from the explosion in my face or the drop from altitude 2billion feet from the sea or killed by the others,WAS there a terrorist on the plane??? Gee i'll never know...)
So thurs night i woke at 130am,
Fri night 3am,
Sat night 5am
Sun morn! 9am
Mon night......1am...
Tues night.....319am...
I think i should sign up as a night security guard. My body seems to tell me, nay, my MIND seems to tell me i dun need that much sleep. If only that were true. Only need 4 hours sleep per day. That be my mutant power. 4hourman!! Ok, maybe not.
So here's what we're doing today.
Chrissy, Gloria, Pat and myself are gonna go to RockStar Supernova at 845am (means leave the house 7am, and i'm driving Chris' Beetle, ugh girly girly!, lime green plus flowers, i'd better wear shades...)
Then go to Universal studios to get tickets for the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and attend the live taping at 4pm, then at night 8pm Gloria wants to see Andrea perform at Zephyr coffeehouse.

omg...theres actually a little hole to put flowers in a VW Beetle.
What a long but fun day!
So i decided NOT to buy the car

I had lunch with Mariko and Chris at Sam Woo's yesterday. Amazing HK food.Lunch Specials are 2.99. Yes yes, i can hear u say "OMG...He's eating Asian food again!" Anyway. So we talked about the car situation and we pow-wowed abt it. It made sense. It could be a good deal on the car,but its above what i wanted to pay for a car. Same theory of 1 shirt for $15, 2 for $25, would u buy 2? Becos i didnt need to, and i could save the cash first.Cash is power. And Mari made a good point abt spending some money to fix up this current car, while taking my time to look for a better car, with more research and less pressuring this time. Good call. So i called AAA to tow the car to the mechanic. It might cost even $1000, but at least its not $3600. And someone reminded me about having good stewardship of my money. God can bless u with riches, but can He trust you with it?
and i still cant sleep.
So thurs night i woke at 130am,
Fri night 3am,
Sat night 5am
Sun morn! 9am
Mon night......1am...
Tues night.....319am...
I think i should sign up as a night security guard. My body seems to tell me, nay, my MIND seems to tell me i dun need that much sleep. If only that were true. Only need 4 hours sleep per day. That be my mutant power. 4hourman!! Ok, maybe not.
So here's what we're doing today.
Chrissy, Gloria, Pat and myself are gonna go to RockStar Supernova at 845am (means leave the house 7am, and i'm driving Chris' Beetle, ugh girly girly!, lime green plus flowers, i'd better wear shades...)
Then go to Universal studios to get tickets for the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and attend the live taping at 4pm, then at night 8pm Gloria wants to see Andrea perform at Zephyr coffeehouse.

omg...theres actually a little hole to put flowers in a VW Beetle.
So i decided NOT to buy the car

I had lunch with Mariko and Chris at Sam Woo's yesterday. Amazing HK food.Lunch Specials are 2.99. Yes yes, i can hear u say "OMG...He's eating Asian food again!" Anyway. So we talked about the car situation and we pow-wowed abt it. It made sense. It could be a good deal on the car,but its above what i wanted to pay for a car. Same theory of 1 shirt for $15, 2 for $25, would u buy 2? Becos i didnt need to, and i could save the cash first.Cash is power. And Mari made a good point abt spending some money to fix up this current car, while taking my time to look for a better car, with more research and less pressuring this time. Good call. So i called AAA to tow the car to the mechanic. It might cost even $1000, but at least its not $3600. And someone reminded me about having good stewardship of my money. God can bless u with riches, but can He trust you with it?
and i still cant sleep.
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